Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Tax Checklist

This is to assist you in gathering your income tax information. Use it as a guide for information you need to provide.


□ First, middle initial, and last names of taxpayers and dependents as written on the Social Security cards, and dates of birth for taxpayers and all dependents, especially new dependents.
□ Address (city, state, zip), telephone number, and e-mail address.
□ Marital Status: Single ___ Married ___ Head of Household ___ Separated ___
□ Number of Dependents: ___ Did any dependents have any income? Yes ___ No ___
□ Do all dependents live with you? Yes ___ No ___


□ Wages: All W-2's □ Income from Rentals: All 1099-MISC
□ Pensions/Retirements: 1099-R □ Business Income: All 1099-MISC & 1099-K
□ Social Security: SSA-1099 □ Farm Income
□ Bank Interest: 1099-INT □ Alimony Received: Total amount
□ Dividends: 1099-DIV □ Unemployment: 1099-G
□ Commissions: 1099-MISC □ State Tax Refund: 1099-G
□ Tips and Gratuities □ Miscellaneous: Jury Duty, Gambling, Other
□ Sales of Stock, Mutual Funds: 1099-B

This list is not all encompassing. If you don’t see an expense listed below, ask.

Total (Gross) Income Advertising Auto: Parking &Tolls
Business Phone Expense Cell Phone Expense Subcontractors
Commissions Paid Insurance Interest Paid
General Office Expense Rent/Lease Fees Paid Legal or Professional Fees
Repairs Cleaning/Maintenance Dues & Publications
Equipment/Supplies Tools License Fees/Taxes Paid
Utilities Education Expense Association Dues
Bank/Credit Card Fees Postage Meals/Entertainment
Business Miles & Total Miles Asset Purchases Hotel/Travel Expense


Keys Condo/PUD Fees Management Fees
Mortgage Statements Yard Work Termite Treatment Expense
Utilities Mileage/Travel Other


Self-employed Health Insurance IRAs /Keogh/SEPs Retirement Saver’s Credit
Medical Savings Account Teacher Expenses Adoption Expenses
Penalty on Early Withdrawal of Savings Moving Expenses
American Opportunity/Lifetime Learning/Student Loan Interest/Education Expenses

* Total Alimony Paid: Must have name and Social Security number of recipient, and amount paid.
* Child Care/Day Care Credit: Must have name, address, Social Security number or EIN of provider, and amount paid per child.


Date of payment and amount paid for each Federal and State quarterly tax estimate.


Medical & Dental bills Prescriptions Glasses/Contact Lenses
Out-of-pocket expenses Medical miles Lab fees
Hearing Aids Medical/dental/long term care insurance

Prior year state tax paid City/local tax Sales tax
Real estate tax Personal property tax Other

Church Boy/Girl Scouts United Way/CFC
March of Dimes American Heart Easter Seals
Salvation Army FoodBank Payroll deductions
Out-of-pocket Volunteer Expenses Charitable miles Other

Date of donation, list and Fair Market Value for each donation of household goods and clothing items donated to a Charitable Organizations.

For more information, contact Elite Bookkeeping & Tax Services at (800) 416-3820 or (775) 884-6188 Address: 123 West Nye Lane, Suite 103, Carson City, NV 89706. Visit our website at

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fast Track Settlement Program Now Available Nationwide

Fast Track Settlement Program Now Available Nationwide; Time-Saving Option Helps Small Businesses Under Audit
IR-2013-88, Nov. 6, 2013

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced the nationwide rollout of a streamlined program designed to enable small businesses under audit to more quickly settle their differences with the IRS.

The Fast Track Settlement (FTS) program is designed to help small businesses and self-employed individuals who are under examination by the Small Business/Self Employed (SB/SE) Division of the IRS. Modeled on a similar program long available to large and mid-size businesses (those with more than $10 million in assets), FTS uses alternative dispute resolution techniques to help taxpayers save time and avoid a formal administrative appeal or lengthy litigation. As a result, audit issues can usually be resolved within 60 days, rather than months or years. Plus, taxpayers choosing this option lose none of their rights because they still have the right to appeal even if the FTS process is unsuccessful.

Jointly administered by SB/SE and the IRS Appeals office, FTS is designed to expedite case resolution. Under FTS, taxpayers under examination with issues in dispute work directly with IRS representatives from SB/SE’s Examination Division and Appeals to resolve those issues, with the Appeals representative typically serving as mediator.

The taxpayer or the IRS examination representative may initiate Fast Track for eligible cases, usually before a 30-day letter is issued. The goal is to complete cases within 60 days of acceptance of the application in Appeals.

SB/SE originally launched FTS as a pilot program in September 2006. For more information on taking advantage of the Fast Track Settlement program, please view the short FTS video. Additional background is available on on the Alternative Dispute Resolution webpage and in IRS Announcement 2011-05.

For more information, contact Elite Bookkeeping & Tax Services at (800) 416-3820 or (775) 884-6188 Address: 123 West Nye Lane, Suite 103, Carson City, NV 89706. Visit our website at